Thursday, March 19, 2009

~I'm still here and doing good.~

Well I know it's been a long time since I have Blogged! Did not mean to alarm any of you ~lol~ But nice to know that I have been missed :) I see that my twin Tracy has filled you guys in on to what has been going on with me lately! THANKS SIS!!!! Yes I have finished my schooling to become a CNA (((YAY))) I love my job and get to go home everyday feeling rewarded from it :) I take care of the elderly in a residental home. So I get to hear them thank me dayly for helping them and I get HUGS TOO ~lol~......As for me not Blogging much has to do with me being on My-Space and Facebook all the time now! My-Space for my son and niece's ended up being more than that and now I have started Facebook about a week ago! Now let me tell you a little bit about Facebook, cause I am really excited cause I have found my High School Friends ((((YAY)))). So far the last two days I have been doing lots of catching up with them and I'm still trying to find more friends too! It has been over 20ty years since I have seen or talked to any of them, so I am just like a little kid right now ~BUBBLY~......I really hope that none you are dissapointed with me for not being here on Blogger? To tell you all the truth you have been on my mind and hoping that each and everyone that has followed my blog is doing well and o.k? I guess I need to pop in and say HELLO to each and everyone of you ~lol~. I just don't think I can do all three BUT what the HECK, maybe I will give it a shot and see what happens???? ~lol~ It was all of you that kept me STRONG and GOING from the get go!!!!! And beleive me, I am so GRATEFUL for all of the support that was given to me when I first started Blogging with all of you. I thank you all and want you to know that I have not forgotten any of you! Well I guess that's about all I have to say so I am sending all of you ((((HUGS)))) and my BLESSINGS your way! GOD BLESS YOU ALL :) Love,Stacy


Mike Golch said...

CONGRATS on becomming a CNA!!!!!

and yes I have missed you blogging.

Hopefulsl said...

Hey Mike!
Don't know if this is going to work or not but I tried to go to your site but no longer able to-Hmmmmmm? So i went ahead a clicked on your name with the comment you just left me :) So how have you been? Are you still having a lot of seizers??? And Hope that your family is doing well! It was nice to hear from you and sorry that I have been away for so long. I'm gonna try to keep in touch more! I don't know about you but I am sure ready for SPRING, I'm so tired of the cold and the snow ~lol~ I'm a summer kinda of gal :) Anyhow, nice to hear from you and I'll have to figure out how to get to your site so I can get updated on you! TTYS-Love,Stacy (((((HUGS)))))

Hopefulsl said...

((((LOL))) NOPE-Didn't work! Just posted on my side :) Oh well, Take care MIKE!

'Tart said...

Dear Stacy,
Hi! Congratulations again on fulfilling your dream and becoming a CNA, especially through all of the hardships you have had to endure. I am So PROUD of you, my friend!

I'm glad you checked into Bloggerland and I'm glad that you are feeling better and having fun on the web. Have a Great day!

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Good for you for finishing school. Congratulations!! It is wonderful that you have found a job you love. The people in the home are so lucky to have you.

As you know, I haven't been around either. But, I think I have pulled myself and my life back together and hope to stay in touch this time. I have really missed you!


Hopefulsl said...

Hi Tart & Tamara!
Thanks for the sweet comments you both left for me :) Glad to see that both of you are doing o.k and hope to hear from you both more often! Oh should I say, hope I come around here a little more ~lol~ TTYS-Love,Stacy ((((HUGS)))) sent to both of you.....CHEERS!!!!!

Tracy said...

Glad you wrote here sis. I talk with you often on the phone so sometimes i do not feel a need to comment here. Not right because i love your blogggggg.... LOL Know you are always in my heart and on my mind. Hugs

Hopefulsl said...

Hey sis, glad you came by :) I know what you mean about the blog thing, I too have enjoyed reading your Blogs as well. But like you said we talk on the phone so much that we just tend not to visit each others Blogs! Oh should I say, I have visit but like wise, I don't leave a comment either ~lol~ Guess I need to do so too :) Thanks for your lovely comment and you too are always in my heart and mind as well :0 :)
TTYS-Love,Ya-Sis! xoxoxoxoxo